Omnichannel and the Enterprise Manufacturer

B2B customers are looking for one seamless experience across many touchpoints and devices. This creates a conundrum for enterprise manufacturers. How do you get going with an omnichannel strategy?

 Digital Asset Management
for Manufacturing


Why omnichannel?

According to a recent McKinsey report, more than 90 percent of B2B companies shifted to a virtual sales model, post-COVID.

Buyers expect retailers and manufacturers to meet them in the channel of their choice, with the right information and content.

And they’re willing to pay more for the convenience.

Buyers willingness to spend

The manufacturer’s challenge

This need for an omnichannel presence creates quite a challenge for B2B enterprise manufacturing companies who have:

  • Complex product portfolios

  • Many and different routes-to-market

  • Many offices worldwide

  • Many customer and distribution channels

“Research suggests that the number of B2B customers using digital self-service channels
to research and evaluate products rose from 20% in 2016 to 30% in 2019 across industries”.

— McKinsey

Getting on the right path

Despite how fast products change and the explosion in the number of channels and devices, the demand for personalized, consistent and rich content continues.

In order to meet the demand for omnichannel, enterprises must streamline their content operations – from content creation, to content management all the way out to the different distribution channels.

This is where a digital asset management platform (DAM) can help.


Get control of your digital assets

Content is the lifeblood of the omnichannel engine.

An implemented DAM ensures that all business areas have access to the right digital assets in one common place.

It also ensures that the right users get access to the content they need, when they need it, how they need it, through the device or system they need it in, in the right context.

The Business Case for Digital Asset Management

Through customer interviews and financial analysis, Forrester Research found that organizations using Digizuite can expect 184% ROI over three years, which includes increased efficiency, productivity, and cost avoidance.


Are you ready for the omnichannel revolution?

Going omnichannel requires the right know-how, strategy and tools. Many companies tell us that they’d like to get started, but not sure how.

Contact us for a free, personalized assessment of where you are today and some inspiration on next steps.