Transcending tradition at Episerver’s Ascend B2B 2020


Digital transformation was a major theme of the last decade. The emergence and explosion of cloud computing and mobile technology since the late 2000s has completely changed both business strategy and the way people behave as consumers.

Then, as technologists looked ahead at the 2020s, no one could have predicted a global pandemic (and all the technological implications). Those organizations and industries that had been slow to embrace digital trends have been pushed into the virtual sphere. And, even for technologically savvy companies that had embraced digital trends, the global fallout from COVID-19 shined a light on every crack in their digital strategy.

On a positive note, shelter-in-place orders have shown that humans really just might be the most adaptive species. After all, for most of the world, life was “normal” less than six months ago. It was seemingly overnight that people, communities, and businesses had to find instant and completely digital alternatives for so many in-person elements of traditional life.

Meet Digizuite virtually at Episerver Ascend B2B 2020

For marketing professionals, it hasn’t just been about implementing and improving Digital Asset Management solutions and content management strategies. The marketing world has actually found ways to shift previously in-person events into cyberspace. For example, in a typical year, our partners at Episerver would be gearing up for their annual user conference, in the same general in-person format that has become so familiar to all of us who regularly attend industry events. Instead, this year, they’ve shifted the focus and are launching their first ever virtual user conference, Ascend B2B 2020, to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, August 25th and 26th, 2020 (9:30am to 2pm CT both days).

As a bronze sponsor of the event, Digizuite will maintain a virtual booth from where our team will be distributing material and shedding light on what our DAM solution can do when integrated with the Episerver platform.

Learn more about the Digizuite DAM for Optimizely integration

Ascend B2B 2020 is both free for attendees and virtual, but there will still be keynote speaker sessions and plenty of opportunities for attendees to network with their peers, including through workshops on commerce, content, and so much more.

Contact us for any questions, and we hope to see you there!


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20 reasons why you need a DAM solution in 2020 (Part 1)


Future-proof your company with Digital Asset Management